Smart Metering


When a Smart Meter have to report the energy consumption back to the utility or to the end user, the wireless link options are countless: WM-Bus, Zigbee, LPWAN, etc... In addition, migrating the installed base of dummy meters is not always an easy journey thus the need for a flexible turnkey solution such as Embit’s portfolio of  Wireless Modules.
All Embit modules are pin-to-pin compatible and can be used either as open embedded microsystems or as black-box modems, and come with antenna and firmware support. Standard supported: IEE 802.15.4, Zigbee, 6LoWPAN, WiFi, LoRa, Sigfox and Wireless M-Bus.


About Embit:


Embit was born in 2004 as an academic spin-off of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in order to act as a bridge between academic research and local industries.

Embit offers support to the development of innovative ideas and solutions, offering designs, capacity and creativity, helping customers in the implementation of custom solutions with high technological content. In particular Embit assists customers throughout the design of embedded systems and the development of ad-hoc wireless solutions, from the feasibility study to the early stages of mass production. Supported by many years of RF expertise and know-how, Embit finds and suggests the best solution that shortens the customer’s time-to-market and transforms his ideas in successful products.

Embit designs and produces high performance and cost-effective radio modules, embedded systems, and electronic devices to be used in several wireless scenarios. The company also provides its customer with application-specific ad-hoc designs.

The skill and expertise of Embit are spread over consumer, industrial, logistic and healthcare markets, with particular accent on radio-frequency technologies that operate on ISM (Industrial, Scientifical and Medical) bands (868MHz/915MHz and 2.4GHz) and metering bands (169MHz).